The best modern offices are the ones adapting and changing with modern technology. People can face a number of issues that restrict or impair functions. This can be for a multitude of reasons and surface in a multitude of factors.
A person can experience a host of difficulties, including visual and hearing challenges, which can exist at varying degrees. Modern technology, however, is making it possible for people to work just like everyone else in the office.
Below are two examples of software that can be utilised in your workplace.
Low Vision Software
Automated text readers and text magnifiers are great ways for people who have trouble seeing or reading on-screen text. Some products even combine these features. For example, the ZoomText Magnifier & Reader is a fantastic example of this.
The ZoomText Reader reader element can be automated to read through text in documents, emails and web pages, which is then projected through speakers.
The magnifier element enlarges the content on-screen, making everything far easier to see
Speech to Text Technology
Speech recognition software allows those who may suffer from dyslexia, or a condition preventing them from typing, to verbally dictate a document or email. The software recognises and mirrors a person’s spoken words as on-screen text.
Dragon ‘Naturallyspeaking’ Professional is a reliable and high-quality piece of software, which provides these functions at an optimum level.
For more on improving and modernising the workplace, please see our news section. If you’re interested in the products discussed today, we have them and many more assistive technology products in stock.